In addition to unique, customised graphics, illustration and web design solutions we help you find print partners.

Corporate Design

Corporate design does not start with a logo, nor does it end with one. It is the process that creates visual culture around an institution, organisation or company. We develop that culture as a distinguishing mark for each entity individually and ensure their presence throughout the print and web media.

Graphic Design

Each magazine, annual report, catalog, folder or ad, each book or e-publication is the two-dimensional stage on which its content gets to go into action. We specialise in the graphic and editorial composition and presentation of content from the fields of education, art, science, medicine and social work.


While instructional and informative illustrations form part of our portfolio, it is our creative illustration and visualization work – in the traditional as well as digital media – that will take your content to the emotional level. For current works visit us on instagram and here.

Work Style

As our client you choose the amount of time and involvement you want to invest in the design process.

  • memodesign major input


    You want to be part of it

    Your ideas are analysed critically, your target population researched thoroughly, and together we will build up a close communication throughout the design process. You play an important part in every step. Your feedback is required.

  • memodesign minor input


    You want to pick and choose

    Research and concept development are performed by MEMOdesign so that you can concentrate on your work. You choose from the design proposals what you believe works best for your needs. MEMOdesign finalises the design.

  • memodesign complete service


    You want the final product

    You have 0 time and/or interest in participating in the design process and want to hand it over to a professional. Your input will be required only for the final approval. Sit back and relax or do the things you really need your time for!

  • memodesign project


ACP IT Solutions ● Alumniverband der BOKU University ● AÖF – Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser ● austro dent GmbH ● BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Working Group for Equal Opportunities . Center for International Relations . CASEE . Human Resources . The Ethics Platform) ● Dachverband lateinamerikanischer Vereine in Österreich ● Dialysezugang GesbR ● Dirninger & Dirninger ● HABEL Medizintechnik ● Happy Living ● Hausfrieden ● More Safety Consulting ● ÖANPT – Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für nephrologische Pflege und Dialysetechnik ● ÖGPH – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health ● Psytel – Ingénierie de L’information ● Shotokan Karate Wien ● Studienzentrum Hohe Warte ● Uppsala University – Department of Women’s and Children’s Health ● Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Department für Evidenzbasierte Medizin und Evaluation ● VHÖ – Verband der Holzwirte Österreichs ● WAVE – Women Against Violence Europe ● WWP EN – Work with Perpetrators European Network

The Team

MEMOdesign communication graphics
monika medvey communication graphics
MEMOdesign communication graphics

As a graphic designer with over two decades in the field and as an illustrator since I can remember, I can count on my “team” of fox and raven: emotion and reason, (visual) instinct and problem solving capacity. Of course we work closely with independent professionals from other areas to join forces on complex endeavors. Contact us to discuss your project and we will find a memorable way to make the world learn about it.

Contact Us
